Stat your network marketing journey with us

Lets go make money together

At UPlineer, we believe in empowering individuals to achieve financial freedom and personal growth through network marketing. Our mission is to provide innovative products and a supportive community that allows entrepreneurs to build successful businesses from the ground up. Founded on integrity, collaboration, and hard work principles, we offer a unique opportunity for anyone, regardless of experience, to thrive in a flexible and rewarding business environment. Our team of passionate distributors is dedicated to not only achieving their own success but also helping others unlock their full potential. Join us and become part of a global network where success is shared, and opportunities are limitless.

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Our Statistics

we are providing best support to our members since 5 years

Total Clients
Total Deposit
250 Million
Total Withdraw
185 Millions
Company Run
5 Years

How To Get Starts

In the Matrix MLM Plan, each distributor builds a network with a fixed-width structure, meaning they can only recruit a limited number of direct members on their first level. For example, in a 3×7 matrix, each distributor can recruit up to three members on their first level, and the structure goes seven levels deep. Once the first level is full, additional recruits are placed in the next available position within the matrix, creating spillover for their downline. Commissions are calculated based on the sales volume generated by the distributor’s team within the defined matrix structure. This encourages distributors to actively support their downline to maximize performance and earnings. As the matrix fills up, distributors earn income from level commissions, bonuses, or incentives like matrix fill bonuses, ensuring steady rewards and motivating them to grow their network strategically. This structured approach promotes teamwork and ensures an organized expansion of the network while providing opportunities for both personal and team success.

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Our Feature

Quidem cum autem ipsam Qui impedit distinctio minima illum! Facere, aspernatur saepe.

Instant Withdrawal

Obcaecati officiis aliquid perspiciatis libero omnis culpa, tempora perferendis

Customer Support

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Deposit limit

Obcaecati officiis aliquid perspiciatis libero omnis culpa, tempora perferendis

SSL Security

Obcaecati officiis aliquid perspiciatis libero omnis culpa, tempora perferendis

Referral Bonus

Obcaecati officiis aliquid perspiciatis libero omnis culpa, tempora perferendis

SSL Security

Obcaecati officiis aliquid perspiciatis libero omnis culpa, tempora perferendis

Our Plan

Our most popular plan



  • Direct Referral Bonus : BDT50
  • L1 : BDT120 X 3 = BDT360
  • L2 : BDT90 X 9 = BDT810
  • L3 : BDT60 X 27 = BDT1620
  • L4 : BDT40 X 81 = BDT3240
Total Level Commission : BDT6,030.00 BDT BDT
Returns 1206% of Invest


  • Direct Referral Bonus : BDT100
  • L1 : BDT300 X 3 = BDT900
  • L2 : BDT200 X 9 = BDT1800
  • L3 : BDT150 X 27 = BDT4050
  • L4 : BDT100 X 81 = BDT8100
Total Level Commission : BDT14,850.00 BDT BDT
Returns 1485% of Invest


  • Direct Referral Bonus : BDT200
  • L1 : BDT500 X 3 = BDT1500
  • L2 : BDT300 X 9 = BDT2700
  • L3 : BDT285 X 27 = BDT7695
  • L4 : BDT225 X 81 = BDT18225
Total Level Commission : BDT30,120.00 BDT BDT
Returns 1506% of Invest

What Our Client's Say

Quidem cum autem ipsam Qui impedit distinctio minima illum! Facere, aspernatur saepe.

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Quidem cum autem ipsam Qui impedit distinctio minima illum! Facere, aspernatur saepe.

What is the main service of semper lectus nec dolor suscipit rutrum matrix?

Earum, ex a recusandae veritatis quos eligendi provident, dolores nam dolor suscipit saepe! Labore earum nemo eius officiis ratione! Autem, repellat quae.

What is the main service of semper lectus nec dolor suscipit rutrum matrix?

Earum, ex a recusandae veritatis quos eligendi provident, dolores nam dolor suscipit saepe! Labore earum nemo eius officiis ratione! Autem, repellat quae.

What is the main service of semper lectus nec dolor suscipit rutrum matrix?

Earum, ex a recusandae veritatis quos eligendi provident, dolores nam dolor suscipit saepe! Labore earum nemo eius officiis ratione! Autem, repellat quae.

What is the main service of semper lectus nec dolor suscipit rutrum matrix?

Earum, ex a recusandae veritatis quos eligendi provident, dolores nam dolor suscipit saepe! Labore earum nemo eius officiis ratione! Autem, repellat quae.

What is the main service of semper lectus nec dolor suscipit rutrum matrix?

Earum, ex a recusandae veritatis quos eligendi provident, dolores nam dolor suscipit saepe! Labore earum nemo eius officiis ratione! Autem, repellat quae.

What is the main service of semper lectus nec dolor suscipit rutrum matrix?

Earum, ex a recusandae veritatis quos eligendi provident, dolores nam dolor suscipit saepe! Labore earum nemo eius officiis ratione! Autem, repellat quae.

Nulla Ut Laboriosam Nam Eius Quas Voluptas

Dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab totam nihil vitae impedit at delectus dignissimos perspiciatis, fugit voluptas repudiandae aliquam quod.

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